LOVE TIP – Tuesday February 12, 2013

Hello dear Ones

Have a go at doing the DAY 4 ♥LOVE Dare/Challenge of the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign.

It was:

Wake up to the day as if it was ‘the first time’ you were alone with your partner. Greet him/her enthusiastically……  Look lovingly at him/her for a few moments……. Ask about them and their day and just listen.

Let them know you understand and validate them….that you ‘get them‘ – even if you disagree.

As well, how about doing a variation of this great Exercise with other people who are important to you sometime soon…

And hey, don’t leave Yourself out of this – I invite you to do this for  ♡YOU too – look ♡LOVE-ingly and adoringly at yourself in a mirror for a few moments.

Do you know that saying –

their eyes lit up when she walked in the room”…

It really touches me deeply inside just thinking about the sort of ♡LOVE that makes someone do that…. seeing via their heart and soul…

So your job is to imagine looking through those sort of eyes when you look at yourself. Feel it physically inside yourself – allow your whole being to fill up as your eyes light up looking at yourself….

See yourself with ‘new eyes’…..♡

TIP – if you can’t do it using your own eyes imagine looking through the eyes of someone who ♡LOVES you.

 “May you see your innocence in my eyes.” ~ Marianne Williamson


How lonely it must be
searching for happiness,
unaware of the beauty you possess,
never realizing how much warmth
you really give.
If I could,
I would show you
how you are
through my eyes.
Then you could see
how important you are.
My world is happy
because of you.

George Betts ~ from Visions of You♡


Be in ♡LOVE with YOURSELF – connect with your preciousness, your OK-ness.  Focus on all of the SPECIAL things about YOU.  Radiate ♡LOVE to yourself – both the Adult You and the Child You. Be tender.

YOU ARE worthy of and deserve your ♡LOVE, admiration and adoration. YES you do!

Notice if there is a S-Q-U-I-R-M even thinking about doing this as well as when you actually do it….Notice the stories you tell yourself …Your SIMU’s….And a reminder that –


Listen to what you hear yourself saying to yourself – and hey, what would you think and feel if someone else talked to you the way you talk to yourself?…… Would they feel like they are a good friend?……..Would you choose to be around them?

A really important fact is that the more we are truly ♡LOVE-ing to ourself the more we will attract ♡LOVE whether we’re partnered or not. The best way to get a soul-mate is to be a soul-mate!

Think about a time when you were caring and nurturing to yourself….maybe it’s going to the hairdresser or the gym or for a run or bike ride or swim or to your favourite healthy restaurant, or getting yourself a new outfit or a massage…..doing any of the things that make you feel good. Remember how enlivened and energised you feel.

It is so much easier to send ♡LOVE out ……as well as take it in when others give it to us, when we feel good in ourselves and are regarding ourself ♡LOVE-ingly. If our ♡LOVE and generosity does not include ourself it is not complete!

 This month, I celebrate my own independence. I choose to be free of all negativity, anger, fear, insecurities, jealousies–and any thought that makes me feel “less than.” I no longer choose to live in the prison of my mind. I choose thoughts of love, joy, prosperity, and unlimited creativity and opportunities” ~ Louise L. Hay

So a BIG reminder is that an important piece of your work during this month of ♡LOVE and/or if you are doing your 30 days Being♥LOVE Campaign is being ♡LOVE-ing and gentle and kind to yourself….

“When you are praising, when you are appreciating, when you are acknowledging value, when you are looking for positive aspects, when you are laughing, when you are applauding, when you are joyous, when you are feeling that feeling of appreciation pulsing through you, in those times, there IS NO RESISTANCE within you. You are, in those moments, vibrationally up to speed with who you really are.” ~ Abraham-Hicks

You are wonderful – You and your LOVE-ing makes a difference. Admiringly Susie

‘All that we are is the result of what we have thought’ ~ Buddha